سؤالات آزمون های استخدامی

سوالات تست دبیری زبان انگلیسی ۱۴۰۲ (اصل سؤالات آزمون استخدامی)

سوالات تست دبیری زبان انگلیسی ۱۴۰۲ (اصل سؤالات آزمون استخدامی)

مجله اداری‌ها- در این مطلب، ۴۰ تست سوالات تست تخصصی دبیری زبان انگلیسی ۱۴۰۲ (برگزار شده در تاریخ ۱۲ مردادماه ۱۴۰۲)، برای آشنایی و مهارت بیشتر برای قبولی در آزمون آورده شده است.

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سوالات تست دبیری زبان انگلیسی ۱۴۰۲

1- “1RIB stands for Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting” is an example of ……………….

1) Homonyms
2) Blending
3) Clipping
4) Acronyms

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

2- The restrictions on how words can be used together, for example “take temperature” are referred to as ……………

1) compesund nouns
2) collocations
3) cognate words
4) compositions

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

3- Word attack technique helps students …………… pronounce, and understand unfamiliar words.

1) encode
2) contrast
3) decode
4) combine

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

4- Compound sentences are the sentences with more than one subject, more than one verb and a …………… word.
1) constructing
2) connecting
3) contrastive
4) conveying

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

5- “less” in “homeless” is a …………… which changes the noun “home” to an adjective.

1) inflectional suffix
2) derivational prefix
3) inflectional prefix
4) derivational suffix

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

6- Coordinating conjunctions are used to make a …………… sentence.

1) compound
2) simple
3) composite
4) complex

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

7- A child can acquire a language easily, rapidly, perfectly, and without instruction” is discussed in ……………

1) critical period hypothesis
2) frequency hypothesis
3) input hypothesis
4) full transfer hypothesis

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

8- Listening and speaking are two human capacities which are ……………

1) receptive
2) productive and receptive
3) receptive and productive
4) productive

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

9- FANBOYS including for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so are used as …………… tools to make semantic relation between the sentences.

1) collective
2) combining
3) collaborative
4) coherent

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

10- How are errors viewed in the cognitive approach?

1) Errors are resistant to correction
2) Errors are obstacles of learning
3) Errors are parts of learning process
4) Errors sights of bad learning

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

11- Which one is a compound sentence ……………

1) We had no money, so we stayed at home
2) We don’t have energy, money and time
3) We worship no one, but god
4) We played basketball when they were skating.

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

12- The sentence which indicates purpose, subject, or point of a paragraph is called a …………… sentence.

1) supporting
2) topic
3) controlling
4) concluding

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

13- According to Goh (2014), “preparing learners to listen by using activities that focus on the content of the text and/or the language in the text” is the aim of …………… phase.

1) post-listening
2) concluding
3) listening
4) pre-listening

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

14- In the listening phase students SHOULDN’T ……………

1) Look at the text while listening
2) Rely on their Top-down processing ability to understand the aural input
3) Rely on their bottom-up processing ability to understand the aural input
4) listen for the gist of meaning

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

15- What is the primary goal of CLT for learners?

1) to learn in a friendly environment
2) to help initiation throughout the class
3) to develop communicative competence
4) to meract friendly with each other

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

16- Schmitt’s taxonomy is divided into two major categories. They are………………….

1) Determination strategies and social strategies
2) Discovery strategies and consolidation strategies
3) Cegorive strategies and metacognitive strategies
4) Social strategies and memory strategies

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

17- Through using social strategies, learners are expected to ……………….

1) guess the meaning from textual context
2) ask teacher or classmates for meaning
3) analyze affixes and roots
4) use a bilingual or monolingual dictionary to find the meaning

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

18- Consolidation Strategies includes all of these EXCEPT ……………….

1) metacognitive strategies
2) cognitive strategies
3) memory strategies
4) determination strategies

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

19- Which one is a WRONG way to learn grammar.

1) Translating one’s own language into English
2) Tuking notes which the teacher explains the new structure
3) Using one’s own language to write the rules of a new structure
4) Trying to infer the rules about the structure

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

20- Which dimension of teaching grammar does the teacher consider when s/he explains the meaning of a construction?

1) Form wedge
2) Pragmatic wedge
3) Use of language
4) Semantic wedge

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

21- An effective paragraph …………………

1) begins with the supporting sentences to maintain flow
2) informs the readers about your writing’s overall idea
3) presents various ideas
4) must be concluded with an outstanding closing sentence

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

22- According to CLT, which order is correct for teaching pronunciation?

1) listening discrimination→ description and analysis → controlled practice → guided practic-→ communicative practice
2) description and analysis→ controlled practice → listening discrimination→ communicative practice→guided practice
3) description and analysis → listening discrimination → controlled practice → guiucde practice →communicative practice
4) listening discrimination → communicative practice→ description and analysis → controlled practice → guided practice

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

23- What is the best order of vocabulary exercises based on their difficulty level?

1) Identifying → Selecting →Matching → Sorting→ Producing
2) Identifying → Selecting → Sorting- Matching → Producing
3) Selecting – Identifying→ Sorting → Matching → Producing
4) Selecting → Identifying → Matching → Sorting→ Producing

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

24- At which stage, do teachers find out whether students have understood the main idea of the text and its connection with the author’s purpose?

1) Pre-reading
2) While-reading
3) Intensive reading
4) Post-reading

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

25- Which part of communicative domains is addressed when the students are learning how to “ask people about their favorite food”?

1) Function
2) Concept
3) Perception
4) Notion

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

26- Three types of questions which are asked in post-listening are ……………….

1) identifying, inference, and opinion gap
2) predicting display, and inference
3) display, inference, and opinion gap
4) identifying, display, and inference

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

27- The main function of conversation is providing learners with comprehensible and preparing them to produce comprehensible.

1) input – input
2) output-output
3) input-output
4) output – input

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

28- The main goal of teaching …………. is helping students use the language accurately, meaningfully and appropriately.

1) conversation
2) grammar
3) vocabulary
4) pronunciation

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

29- A test which is designed to measure student’s ability in a language, regardless of any special books or training they had in a language is called ……………….

1) achievement test
2) diagnostic test
3) placement test
4) proficiency test

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

30- Which of the following tests is designed to identity learners’ strengths and weaknesses and skills they’re particularly weak in?

1) Achieveruent test
2) Diagnostic test
3) Placement test
4) Prociency test

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

31- What kind of testing reveals a candidate’s performance comparing to the performance of other candidates?

1) Norm-Referenced Testing
2) Discrete Point Testing
3) Integrative Testing
4) Criterion-Referenced Testing 

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

32- When testing focuses on one element at a time, for example passive structure, it is a

1) integrative
2) criterion-referenced
3) discrete point testing
4) norm-referenced

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

33- What kind of validity is considered when a test includes a proper sample of the relevant structure?

1) content validity
2) criterion related validity
3) validity in scoring
4) face validity

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

34- If the candidates repeat the exact score regardless of what happened to be administered, then test reliability coefficient is………….

1) 0/5
2) 0/25
3) 0
4) 1

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

35- What is a test-retest method?

1) Giving a test to controlled and observed group
2) Giving a relatively similar test to the same group
3) Giving the same test to the same examinee twice
4) Giving relatively similar test to similar groups

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

36- In order to increase the reliability of a test, you should design the test so that it ……………….

1) allows the candidates lots of freedom
2) includes cases with highly discriminative recognition
3) uses untannar format and testing techniques for candidates
4) contains indefinite items

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۲

37- Which item should be considered in preparing a valid grammar test?

1) Point reduction should be made for ungrammatical errors.
2) All grammatical points should be taken into account when scoring.
3) Separate points should be assigned if two items in the same question are checked.
4) Gap filling and multiple choice items should be avoided.

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۳

38- What is the advantage of multiple choice tests?

1) It is suitable for testing a large number of candidates
2) In this technique withing successful tens and distracters is easy.
3) It provides the possibility of measuring high cognitive levels of learning
4) Using this technique creates unlimited test cases.

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۱

39- What is the disadvantage of gap filing tests?

1) It doesn’t have the advantages of short answer technique.
2) It doesn’t work well for reading or listening work.
3) The scoring is not highly reliable.
4) It doesn’t call for significant productive skills when the answers are controlled.

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

40- to ensure valid and reliable scoring in writing texts, ……………….

1) ask the examines to write short samples of writing
2) give a variety of choices to the candidates to write about
3) set tasks which measure creativity and intelligence of the examinees
4) create appropriate scales for scoring

پاسخ کتاب اداری‌ها: گزینه ۴

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